The spring season is upon us, and you’re likely finding it harder than you anticipated to keep the pollen out of your home. Fortunately, these thoughtful steps can put you on the right track to preventing pollen indoors and improving the overall air quality in your living space.
- Keep your car sheltered. This may not seem so important at first, but consider this: Every time you so much as touch your car, you get pollen all over your hands, which means it’s likely getting on your clothes and face. Storing your car in the garage will prevent a great deal of that pollen from settling on your car in the first place.
- Leave pollen at the door. Wipe your feet regardless of if they seem dirty, and stash your jacket and shoes near the entrance. This is crucial for keeping pollen out of the house.
- Keep windows shut! The fresh air may be enticing, but nothing lets more pollen in than a wide-open window. Also, be sure to change the air filter in your furnace regularly. It’ll make a world of difference.
- Wash your hair before bed. If you don’t, all of the pollen that’s landed in your hair will find a resting spot on your pillow, and you’ll be breathing in allergens all night long.
- Groom pets briefly before they come inside. Nothing can spread pollen quite like a pet, so be sure to wipe their paws and brush allergens out of their coats when you bring them home from a walk.
- Empty the vacuum outdoors. After all of that hard work vacuuming the dirt, dust and pollen from your home, it doesn’t make sense to empty the vacuum indoors and release them back into the air.
- Keep up with dusting, especially in hard-to-reach places. This, among other things, will drastically improve indoor air quality.
Keeping pollen out of the house is possible with these tips and high quality filtration. Contact P.K. Wadsworth Heating & Cooling for more information about improving the quality of your indoor air or for other home comfort needs.Â