Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral fiber that is strong, heat-resistant and a good insulator, making it perfect for many home construction applications. Unfortunately, it also happens to be extremely dangerous if friable, or loose, fibers are inhaled, causing serious health problems. If you find asbestos in your home, it may be tempting to skip the expensive removal procedures and skirt the heavy regulations by doing it yourself. However, the only true way of making sure your home is safe and healthy is to hire one of the professional asbestos removal services in the Cleveland area to do the job properly.
Dangers Of Asbestos
Asbestos has been linked to several lung diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer, and a specific type of lung cancer called mesothelioma. In most cases, these diseases are found in those who have worked closely with asbestos for many years, though it is possible to develop problems from excessive household exposure, and smoking increases the chances.
Where Asbestos Is Found
In older homes, asbestos was used as insulation for furnace ducts, steam pipes and boilers. It was also used in cement board for fireproofing around furnaces and wood stoves, and in products such as vinyl flooring, roofing tiles, siding, joint compounds, soundproofing panels and ceiling panels.
When Asbestos Should Be Removed
In most cases, asbestos is not dangerous if it is in good condition. It becomes dangerous when it is damaged, allowing the loose fibers to circulate through the air. Asbestos should be removed in the following conditions:
- If it is visibly broken, crumbling, or otherwise damaged, including from water infiltration
- If it is in an area that makes it prone to damage, such as the insulation on low-hanging pipes in the basement
- If you are planning to remodel the affected area
- If it is located in a heavily-trafficked area of your home
Asbestos inspection and removal should only be done by trained professionals who have the proper equipment to contain and remove it properly. For professional asbestos removal services in the Cleveland area, call our team at P.K. Wadsworth Heating & Cooling, Inc., today.