With temperatures dropping, the last thing you want to face is a complete failure of your furnace. Depending on the age of your model, it may be time to consider a new unit. Impending furnace failure often comes with some symptoms that if noticed beforehand, can lead you to contact your trusted HVAC technician before you’re left in the cold.
Signs Of Impending Furnace Failure
- Your furnace starts talking to you. Random squeaks and groans aren’t sounds to ignore. If your furnace is complaining regularly, it may be time to replace it.
- Your furnace shows its age. Signs of soot, rust, cracks or wear on the unit, pipes or venting system can indicate the unit is close to the end of its life.
- Your home experiences hot or cold flashes. If your thermostat remains the same but the temperatures fluctuate, it may be a sign that your furnace is no longer able to maintain a consistent temperature.
- Your utility bills consistently rise. If your utility bill has recently risen for no obvious reason, your furnace may be losing efficiency, at which point it may need replacing.
- Your unit is at or past its life expectancy. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. If your furnace is older* and well past its prime, you may be losing energy and money each month it’s in use.  (*The average life expectancy of hot air furnace varies, but studies have shown the average life is normally between 17-20 years. This can vary depending upon how well it was installed originally and how well it has been maintained.)
- Your furnace requires constant repairs. Routine maintenance is a necessary component of any functioning machine. However, if your unit is constantly in need of repairs, it could be a sign of larger problems for the unit.
- Your unit cycles inconsistently. Unless you or your family changes the thermostat at will, your furnace should cycle on and off in normal intervals. If you notice the cycles are inconsistent, there may be a problem.
- You and your family begin having unexplained health issues. If you begin to suffer headaches, nausea and dizziness, it can be a sign of a carbon monoxide leak from your system. You should contact a service technician immediately.
If you’re worried about impending furnace failure or other home comfort concerns, contact P.K. Heating & Cooling. We’re happy to serve the HVAC needs of homeowners throughout the greater Cleveland area.